Train to make better
technologies for older people -
Arrange a workshop
with TUNGSTEN tools
- What is TUNGSTEN training? A hands-on guide for creating better technology for older people through interactive workshops.
- Who are TUNGSTEN workshops for? Technology creators, service providers, and organizations that work for older people.
- How do I start? Follow our simple, step-by-step guide to organise and deliver fun, engaging workshops to find out what people really think about technology.
- How do I run TUNGSTEN workshops? Each activity can be offered as a standalone session or you can combine two or more into a longer workshop – please contact us for advice at astelllab@gmail.com
TUNGSTEN tools can be applied to any technology topic with any population
TUNGSTEN workshops are designed to be informative, educational and fun
TUNGSTEN workshops are shared events where everyone’s voice is heard
Our Workshops
“Great and interesting workshop. For me, the most important thing was to meet representatives from government, industry and academia and to have a common dialogue on the important challenges and opportunities in developing technologies for older populations.”
Researcher“I met lots of people, some new and some I already knew. It was so interesting to meet them in a very different set of circumstances. Very surprisingly, I found myself standing up for mobile phones and computers. Despite being mostly a very retiring and conciliatory person I found the sessions very stimulating and enjoyed discovering new things and hearing other people’s ideas.
The facilitators were inspirational. It was great to find yourself getting caught up in things I would never have expected. It was very exciting. Personally, I learned a lot about other people and also about myself in relation to tackling so many different things. At times I was well out of my comfort zone but amazingly found it was OK.”
Liz Thirkell, 78 years old“ It was interesting to find out different people’s opinions around Assistive Technologies from different companies/services/members of the public”
Health and Social Care Worker“These tools are very useful as the developers can actually talk to the customers to start with. Not to say what do you want because people can’t identify what they want, but they can identify what their needs are. And then it is up to the developers to think, OK, well there is a need here,how can we develop a solution to that? And in developing the solution, talk to the customers along the line because they can get feedback from them”
Mark Johnson, Telecare Growth Manager at Sheffield City Council“Older people become invisible to other people, or they feel that they do. They fear that their opinions are not sought anymore and no one cares what they think. The key thing about these tools is that they let older people engage with other people and enjoy it at the same time.”
MyHomeHelper – Technology developer, Simpla Solutions“We expected to learn a lot and the event exceeded our expectations.”
Start-up company attended TUNGSTEN workshop, Toronto, CanadaArlene & Deborah
Dr. Arlene Astell and Dr. Deborah Fels are the co-leads of TUNGSTEN training project. Arlene guides you through the steps to running your own TUNGSTEN workshops in this website.
Need help arranging a workshop?
This website was generously funded by AGE WELL Network, Canada's technology and aging network.